The terms utilized in the Privacy ("Policy") have the importance as characterized in the Terms of Use and is to be perused along with the Terms of Use. The current approach sets down how the Company gathers, utilizes, unveils, offers and moves Information of Users. This Policy would apply to anyone who visits EGBILL Platform or opens a record with the Company on the EGBILL Platform, all things considered.

Just EGBILL having its Registered address C-76, Sector 2, Noida perceives the requirement for suitable security and the executives of any data imparted to the Company or on EGBILL Platform.

By utilizing or getting to the EGBILL stage in any way or opening an Account, it is recognized that the current Policy is acknowledged and it further assents that the Company will gather, use, unveil, offer and move data and individual information including however not restricted to delicate Personal Information. This Policy is an electronic record as an electronic agreement framed under the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the standards made thereunder. However, in case the User does not intend to share some of the Information as referred herein below for use by the Company as stated, the User is free to opt-out or not use the EGBILL platform and/or the Products and Services by deleting the Account and in such a case, are not required to give consent as per the present Privacy Policy

For the situation in future, it is felt that the Information or a section thereof as gathered ought not be utilized or ought to be erased, assent allowed in the current Policy can be removed, by keeping in touch with the Company looking to pull out the assent so conceded or erasing the Account, by and large. Be that as it may, on the off chance that the assent for the Company to involve the Information as given in the current Policy is removed, the Products and Services can't be proposed to the User by the Company.

Modification of privacy policy

These strategies might be refreshed every now and then later on. The User ought to consent to audit our security approaches consistently by visiting this page. Proceeded with admittance to or utilization of the assistance will imply that the User consents to the change.

When this privacy statement applies

Its responsibility to the User is restricted to the individuals who have downloaded the EGBILL application and signed in by tapping on the "I Agree/Login" button for Terms and Conditions or has unequivocally assented to the arrangement on some other item/administration page proposed to the User

How is the information collected, used, disclosed, shared and stored

1. The Company gathers, utilizes, reveals, offers and moves Information, including yet not restricted to User content, other substance, interchanges, data and so forth given by Users when the Users access or utilize the EGBILL stage for the Products and Services. By utilization of the EGBILL stage and additionally Products and Services, express assent and authorization is conceded to the Company for approaching, utilizing, handling, uncovering, sharing and moving of data as per this Policy and the Terms of Use.

2. With the end goal of these Terms, the expression "Individual Information" will mean any data given by the User and will incorporate, without impediment User content, all possible reports, subtleties, data and so forth imparted to the Company by the User and the One Time Password (OTP) got by the User from the public authority specialists/great and administration charge expert for confirming/checking the products and administration charge enlistment process; in assistance to the Terms of Use.

With the end goal of these Terms, the expression "Non-Personal Information" will mean data that doesn't explicitly distinguish an individual however incorporates data from, for example, the kind of web program utilized, cell phone utilized, PC or cell phone's interesting gadget ID, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Internet Protocol (IP) address. The Company may likewise gather Non-Personal Information that is given.

Individual and Non-Personal Information together is alluded to as "Data". The Company might gather Information when enrollment or opening of an Account occurs on the EGBILL stage, when the elements or the Products and Services are utilized, when the User shares the User content with the Company and when the User associates with the client care group including the subtleties of the message or visits and so on

3. The Company might utilize treats to screen use including, without impediment, to give helpful highlights to work on encounters for the User on the EGBILL stage, such as recalling login ID and certain Personal Information and to convey applicable substance in light of inclinations, use examples and area.

4. There could likewise emerge a necessity of giving credit/check card when the User is expected to installment Government Fees or potentially Facilitation Fees according to the Terms of Use. The Company or any outsider offering types of assistance connected with installment might utilize this data, for example, record and confirmation data and charging, conveyance and contact subtleties. The Company will for no situation be responsible for any misfortune or harm supported by the User emerging out of any divulgence (coincidental or in any case) of any data connecting with ledger, credit or check card subtleties over any internet based exchanges or installments made connecting with Government Fees and additionally Facilitation Fees.

5. The Company gathers data about the User's utilization of the EGBILL stage or potentially Products and Service, for example, the elements utilized, any movement did, the moves that are made, the time, recurrence and length of the said exercises.

6. The Company is expected to gather data from and about the PCs, tablets, telephones and other web-associated gadgets utilized and the Company then, at that point, consolidates this data across various gadgets that are utilized.

Data that the Company acquires from these gadgets incorporates:

a. Data including however not restricted to the working framework, equipment and programming adaptations, battery level, signal strength, accessible extra room, program type, application and record names and types, and modules, name of versatile administrator or ISP, language, time region, cell phone number, IP address, association speed and, sometimes, data about different gadgets that are close by or on client network and so on

b. Data including however not restricted to admittance to guides and cell phone poles, admittance to GPS area, organization, camera or photographs, information from treats put away on client gadgets, extra room or plate on the gadget and so on

c. Area related data -, for example, current area to give, customized and further developed utilization of the EGBILL stage and additionally Products and Services. Area related data can be founded on things, for example, exact gadget area, IP addresses and so forth

Permissions usage

Allows you to send your invoices and report PDFs to your customers.

Contacts (contacts. Read only) Allow users to use Contacts for adding parties (customers) on the accounting software.

How EGBILL stores and shares google user data

EGBILL doesn't store any Google client information. Whenever EGBILL gets this information, it gets displayed to the client while utilizing the component. The client picks the information he needs to use for import and that becomes acclimated to make clients/sellers for him in the product. EGBILL won't store this information for any further use. EGBILL will likewise not share the client's Google confirmation information with anybody. Likewise, EGBILL won't store this information anyplace.

Collection of device location and device information

We gather and screen the data about the area of your gadget to give workableness of your advance application, to diminish the gamble related with your credit application and to give pre-supported redid advance offers. This likewise assists us with checking the location, settle on a superior credit hazard choice and assist know your client (KYC) process. Data the App gathers, and its utilization relies upon how you deal with your protection controls on your gadget. Whenever you introduce the App, we store the data we gather with interesting identifiers attached to the gadget you are utilizing. We gather data from the gadget when you download and introduce the App and expressly look for consents from You to get the expected data from the gadget. The data we gather from your gadget incorporates the equipment model, form model, RAM, stockpiling; remarkable gadget identifiers like IMEI, chronic number, SSAID; SIM data that incorporates network administrator, meandering state, MNC and MCC codes, WIFI data that incorporates MAC address and portable organization data to particularly distinguish the gadgets and guarantee that no unapproved gadget follows up for your sake to forestall fakes


We require capacity authorization so your KYC and other pertinent records can be safely downloaded and saved money on your telephone. You can then effectively transfer the right KYC related reports for quicker advance application subtleties filling and disbursal process. This guarantees that you are given a consistent encounter while utilizing the application.


We require the camera data consent to give you a simple/smooth insight and to empower you to click photographs of your KYC archives alongside other imperative records and transfer something very similar on the App during your advance application venture.

Collection of other non-personal information

We naturally track specific data about you in view of your conduct on our Platform. We utilize this data to do interior exploration on our clients' socioeconomics, interests, and conduct to all the more likely comprehend, secure and serve our clients and work on our administrations. This data is arranged and broke down on an amassed premise. We likewise gather your Internet Protocol (IP) address and the URL utilized by you to interface your PC to the web, and so forth This data might incorporate the URL that you just came from (whether or not this URL is on our website), which URL you next go to (whether or not this URL is on our website), your PC program data, and your IP address. Treats are little information documents that a website stores on Your PC. We will utilize treats on our website like other loaning sites/applications and online commercial center sites/applications. Utilization of this data assists Us with distinguishing You to make our website easier to use. Most programs will allow You to decay treats however assuming You decide to do this it could influence administration on certain pieces of Our Website. Assuming that you decide to make a buy through the Platform, we gather data regarding your purchasing conduct. We hold this data as important to determine debates, give client assistance and investigate issues as allowed by regulation. assuming you send us individual correspondence, like messages or letters, or then again in the event that different clients or outsiders send us correspondence about your exercises or postings on the Website, we gather such data into a document explicit to you.

How EGBILL uses user data

The Company might involve the Information for:

1. Giving admittance to the EGBILL stage or potentially utilization of the Products and Services.

2. Oversee Account with the Company.

3. Confirmation by utilizing One Time Password got from the for the Purpose including yet not restricted to government specialists/great and administration charge expert for validating/checking the merchandise and administration charge enrollment process, Bureau check or some other item/administration profited by the client every now and then on EGBILL.

4. Direct broad review or investigation of Accounts or in any case.

5. Create, test and further develop the EGBILL stage or potentially Products and Services, testing and investigating new items and elements, eliminating any errors including specialized issues, working on the experience of exploring and doing exchanges and working on the administrations and content, Products and Service on the EGBILL stage.

6. In view of Information, share supported substance and show advertisements, including connecting with outsiders, that the Company thinks will be significant.

Protection of information

The Company, on a best exertion premise, will endeavor to go to sufficient lengths to safeguard the security of Personal Information and to guarantee that the decisions for its planned use are respected. The Company additionally plays it safe, on a best exertion premise, to shield information from misfortune, abuse, unapproved access or revelation, adjustment or annihilation.

The Company utilizes industry guidelines of physical, specialized and managerial safety efforts to keep Information, on best exertion premise, secure in spite of the fact that is unequivocally perceived and concurred that the equivalent can't be idiot proof since no security framework is obstructed and the Company doesn't ensure that the Information might be totally liberated from intrusion.

Kindly note that messages, informing and method for correspondence with the Company may not be scrambled, and in this manner the Company prompts not to impart any secret data through these methods.

The Company isn't answerable for any break of safety or for any activities or inactions of any Users or other outsiders including yet not restricted to government specialists that get Information.

The User is exclusively answerable for keeping up with the secrecy of its username and secret word. To guarantee the wellbeing of Personal Information, it is exhorted that the username and secret phrase ought not be imparted to anybody. The Company would not be obligated or liable for any break of this agreement under any circumstance.

The Company would hold Personal Information just as long as the element or User to whom the said Personal Information has a place has a functioning Account or as allowed/expected by relevant regulation. By and large, Personal, endless supply of a connected Account, is likewise erased except if the equivalent is expected to agree with any lawful necessities, extortion counteraction or help with any enquiry, for settling debates, to safeguard interests of the Company, to proceed to create and work on the Products and Services.

Grievance redressal mechanism

In accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder, the contact details for raising grievances or obtaining any further information or enquiry, if any are provided below:

Address: AT- C-76, Sector 2 Noida


Contact number: +91 7011791909